Webmaster Tutorial Menu
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Life before .htaccess
You have to start somewhere
Becoming a Webmaster
The steep learning curve
What to look for in books
How many hats?
Technical Job Description
Linux or Microsoft?
Standard web stuff
Basic HTML
Frames and/or Flash?
Site submission
Negotiating Links
Validating your HTML
Web safe fonts
Web safe colours
Different screen & monitor sizes
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
'Nix specific stuff
Choosing a 'Nix hosting company
Web Logs Demystified
Web Log Status codes
Limitations of robots.txt (and the power of .htaccess)
cost  effective,   fast  loading,   lightweight,   high  return  websites

Am I Successful?

I have not yet had the joy of using PostgreSQL or MySQL but I did throw out the incredibly verbose Perl Form Mail I borrowed (which is where I'd first seen and not understood RegEx) and wrote a PHP form for doing much the same thing - my major concern (apart from getting some clean error trapping and having the data remain on the form when the form is redisplayed after the error) was spam-proofing it (which I seem to have done).
Wow - so much to learn! In writing that last paragraph I got a wave of "I've only scratched the surface"...........
Are my web sites raging successes yet? Some are (of sorts - though I'm not talking dollars). It's a tough old world out there and there's a lot more to being successful on the web than just being a compentent technical webmaster. I believe I have started out on the right footing though.
As far as the other hats are concerned: analysis skills (and BS-detectors), management / negotiating skills, sales, marketing, SEO skills, etc, stay tuned
[Content of this page last reviewed: 05-Oct-2004]
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